Programming Language R


R is a programming language and environment specifically designed for statistical computing and graphics. It provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques, making it a popular choice among statisticians and data miners for data analysis and visualization.


R syntax is similar to other programming languages, with a focus on data manipulation and statistical functions. It uses functions and operators to perform calculations and operations on data sets. R also has a strong focus on vectorization, allowing for efficient processing of large datasets.


# Define a vector of numbers
numbers <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# Calculate the mean of the numbers
mean_value <- mean(numbers)

# Print the result

Developer Toolchain

Developers working with R typically use RStudio, an integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed for R programming. RStudio provides features such as syntax highlighting, debugging tools, and package management, making it easier for developers to write, test, and deploy R code.

In addition to RStudio, developers may also use various packages and libraries available in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) to extend the functionality of R for specific tasks and analysis. Tools such as ggplot2 for data visualization and dplyr for data manipulation are commonly used in R development.